A Family Christmas Classic

aboutxmasstoryThe final show of the Festival’s Season always stands apart. It’s not that the artistry and entertainment value differ from any other production; our teams are always giving you their greatest. The specialness comes from the holiday spirit and feeling of anticipation we all share.

Looking forward to what’s coming is an exciting part of coming to the end of a season. At the same time, we are comforted by the nostalgia of looking back. At the Festival, we have fond memories from nearly 25 years of holiday productions, all of which start with the same wish – to share a theatrical moment you’ll cherish with us.


This year, that wishful quality of Christmas is at the heart of our comedic play, A Christmas Story. Turning back the pages to 1938, we will see young Ralphie’s attempts to convince his parents, his teacher, and Santa that a Red Ryder B.B. gun really is the perfect Christmas gift – and hear through his older, perhaps wiser, narration, how hope can lead us in many interesting directions.

The play is an adaptation of the award winning 1983 film – derived from the short stories and semi-fictional anecdotes of author Jean Shepherd (published in his book In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash (1966). Having deep resonance in North American culture, the story is considered a holiday classic with a message: no matter how crazy the path our personal wishes lead us, in the end we find happiness from the caring of others.

Our greatest wish is to share inspiring theatre with you, and we thank you for being part of this memorable chapter in our own “Christmas Story.” Enjoy your festivities, and we hope you’ll continue to celebrate with us in 2017 as we mark 25 years of outstanding Festival performances!


Get your dollars matched!

Between now and December 1, 2016, every dollar donated to the Chemainus Theatre Endowment Fund will be matched by the Department of Canadian Heritage. Our goal is to raise $15,000

Current 2016 donations are $7,350 Help us raise $7,650 by December 1, 2016!
The Chemainus Theatre Endowment Fund helps the theatre keep pace with the rising cost of producing and presenting professional theatre, and preserves our role as a leading cultural institution for the region.

All donations to this important initiative stay in the fund forever, yet the Chemainus Theatre benefits from the interest earned on the fund. The bigger the endowment grows, the more interest revenue we receive! This new source of income is important to our survival and that’s why we’ve set a new target – to raise $15,000.00 towards our endowment.

You can help us reach our goal by giving a one-time gift, making a multi-year pledge, donating public securities, or leaving us a bequest through your estate planning.

You can donate by clicking here or by calling our box office at 1.800.565.7738.


By |October 18th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Now Playing: Hilda’s Yard


How unbreakable are the ties that bind a family together? It’s 1956, and happy empty-nesters Sam and Hilda are finally enjoying life on their own. But their peaceful home turns chaotic when their unemployed son and newly-single daughter return for an unexpected stay. Can these traditional parents and far-out children bridge the generational divide?

Enjoy the hilarious situational comedy of this Norm Foster gem.

Click for More About the Show

By |October 7th, 2016|Categories: 2016 Season, Hilda's Yard|0 Comments

Upcoming Gallery Exhibit: Martin Kaspers, October 7

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About Martin Kaspers

Martin Kaspers became a full time artist in 2000 using photography as his primary medium.

He moved to the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island in 2006 and has his studio there. At his studio he does all his own printing and framing. He also prints for many other artists and helps photographers with adjusting their images.

Presently, he sells his art in galleries across western Canada. Much of his subject matter is the beautiful west coast.

Martin’s Website

Click Here to Visit