Chemainus Theatre Festival’s Gallery is proud to present select works of the ‘Group of Seven’ in a new exhibit from July 2 – August 25. On loan to the theatre by an anonymous collector, this exhibition will showcase eleven works from the Group of Seven. In the early decades of the twentieth century, circumstances brought together several artists who were committed to exploring, through art, the unique character of the Canadian landscape. Collectively they agreed: Canada’s rugged wilderness regions needed to be recorded in a distinctive painting style. This style would break from European tradition and reflect an increasingly nationalistic sentiment. Today, these men are among Canada’s most famous artists. For many, their works have come to symbolize what is the distinctly Canadian identity.

Six of the Group of Seven, plus their friend Barker Fairley, in 1920. From left to right: Frederick Varley, A. Y. Jackson, Lawren Harris, Barker Fairley, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer, and J. E. H. MacDonald. It was taken at The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto. George A. Reid can be seen behind Lismer. Arthur Goss, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Tuesdays | 11:00 – 3:00

For more information, please contact: Lorna Rivard 250-246-9132 | CHEMAINUSTHEATRE.CA